Training Plans

Online Coaching Programs Available
  • Certified coaching in swimming, running and multisport
  • A personal program specifically designed for each individual - no cookie cutter solutions
  • One-on-one Coaching
  • Weekly emailed training programs – giving daily specific workouts based upon your goals
  • Unlimited email and phone access to your coach
  • Weekly client initiated phone consultations
  • Technical consultation on the latest equipment on the market, diet and mental preparation
  • Year round program to help you stay fit and build a solid base for the next season

Your monthly investment - $350 (no additional set up fees charged). Hourly coaching (one-on-one) available at $75 per hour for Metro Detroit area athletes. In addition we have access to the latest technology for Lactate Threshold Testing.

Before beginning any exercise program you should consult a physician for a full medical examination and receive clearance to participate.

The Wilson Coaching Group's Process

Before beginning any program, utilizing the information submitted on the Athlete’s Questionnaire page, Graham will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your strengths, limitations, and potential to develop and discuss how much time you can realistically devote to training, given other commitments (family, work, social obligations, etc.). He’ll then produce a detailed daily plan specifically designed to help you achieve your goals. As an athlete himself, he realizes that the plan cannot be all-consuming, so he strives to ensure that his athletes maintain a healthy balance in their lives and - most importantly - have fun.